Good, yes, Will, yes, yet, Goodwill..?
Zubli ZainordinThe first time this word was introduced to me, I was 15.
One of our school teachers, selected 7 Top Students, and each was given an alphabet.
A. B. H. H. I. M. U.
I did not get one, yet Zulkifle my class monitor invited me to witness the game.
The seven top students form a circle, and each only knew his alphabet. His mission is to get to know the other students' alphabet in order to discover the word.
The word is MUHIBAH. This in my native language means, Goodwill.
Muhibah is from Arabic, H.B.B., Habib, Habibah, Habibullah or other derrivatives, which means Love.
Love in my native language is uniquely Kasih, Sayang, Cinta.
When I was conducting the Executive Development Program at Cosmopoint Sungai Petani, I played the same game.
Then, I was active at MyBloglog. I still visit this portal occassionally, as most friends left.
Next, Twitter is the best part of my blogging enjoyment, until my page hanged, I could not anyone, yet being added. So, I opted out.
Earlier I was a member at Facebook. The front page is a heavy load, so I visit once in a while. After Facebook decided to have categories, I am active now here.
I got blocked two times for "overusing the comment app". I almost got this account here terminated.
I am now at moderation, although the excitement is tremendous here.
After a while, I begin to read posts, and I am searching for posts that share vital and valuable information.
Ivor KellockOf course I got to know
Ivor Kellock at ecademy. This is the beginning I get to know Goodwill, more, Goodwill Ambassadors.
It all started when there is a move to
Fire The Grid II. I found like-minded and like-hearted individuals from all over the bloggosphereheight and worldwide, who shares mostly what I belief in.

Most recently there is a new blog, I follow and I an read information to help me grow continuously...
Let's see what shall happen next...